About VirtualLab

VirtualLab AB is a Nordic distributor of digital home tests. Our preventive initiatives enable the early detection of illnesses and provide effective options for follow-up. Our main focus areas at present are: diabetes, oncology, COPD/asthma, fertility and optical health.

In Sweden, only three percent of the budget for public health is allocated for preventive measures. This is an unsustainable approach which ultimately results in huge sums of money being wasted. VirtualLab was founded on the solid conviction that proactivity is a much more efficient and cost-effective approach than reactivity.

Even if it may be conventional wisdom that prevention works better than cure in the long term, getting society to change its approach is nonetheless a huge challenge. Healthcare budgets have historically placed the focus on providing care in the form of physical consultations which are reactive in nature.

Att arbeta med förebyggande hälsa pekas i en rad forskningsrapporter ut som en viktig del för att forma framtidens vård. Det som efterfrågas är ökat fokus på prevention och tidiga interventioner. Det ökade nyttjandet av digitala vårdbesök påskyndar utvecklingen och kommer att leda till en ny struktur för hur vård skall bedrivas.

Att skapa digitala flöden för att öka den tidiga upptäckten av sjukdom och att monitorera redan sjuka för att skapa bästa möjliga vård, är vårt bolags affärsidé och det som genomsyrar alla våra initiativ.

VirtualLab helps healthcare providers by supplying innovative medical and digital tools which can be used as part of an effective, proactive and preventive approach to care.

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